Welcome to

Rudrakshi Foundation

Rudrakshi name itself is derived from Rudraksha, a symbol of shiva a symbol of purity and strength.

Rudrakshi Foundation took birth in the hearts of the founder members, as they wanted to bring a mammoth change with positive outcomes from the lower level of our society.

Rudrakshi Foundation started with a belief and thought that every soul/human on earth is born with some talent. if only we could identify and support such talents and bring financial independence as an outcome, we could contribute to the society in an unimaginable way.

Rudrakshi for us is a movement, a challenge, a motivation, a lifestyle, a phenomenon, a symbol of humanity, a symbol of social upliftment, and a symbol of human existence in a healthy environment.

Rudrakshi Foundation is a commitment to the well-being, upliftment, and good health of the society.

We are a social startup, that aims to develop a healthy, prosperous, and happy society for whatever it takes.

Rudrakshi Foundation aims to develop the underprivileged population of the country and put social efforts into

  • Providing basic education,
  • Developing local art, and culture, through training in classical dance, and vocal training.
  • Brushing and training skilled workmanship
  • EDUCATING the younger generation in the art of survival through self-sustaining techniques.
  • Providing training to sharpen the local handicraft and other art and opening a global market for the same.

So here we are pledged to bring this positive human change and urge you to be a part of the Rudrakshi movement, contributing towards humanity in whatever form you can.